On Sunday, January 19th 2020, the TV show Découverte (Radio-Canada) broadcasted an episode during which they followed the journey of a patient who received a life-changing surgery: Charlie, a 15-year-old boy in need of a one-of-a-kind implant in order to walk again. With the approval of Charlie’s treating surgeon, Dr. Glavas, the young man was treated with a new technology developed by Bodycad, a company specialized in personalized orthopaedics.
At a young age, Charlie was diagnosed with a rare infection called meningococcemia and, as a result, had both feet amputated. After multiple surgeries, Dr. Glavas contacted Bodycad to find a complete solution for his patient. 3D surgical planning was performed to create a personalized orthopaedic implant designed specifically for Charlie along with all of the instruments needed to perform the surgery. The planning, implants and instrumentation were all made possible thanks to a unique 3D software developed by the Bodycad engineering team in Quebec City.
The first operation, performed at the CHU de Sainte Justine in spring of 2019, was a success. Dr. Glavas and the patient were both very pleased with the results.
« I think it is […] a game changer for us. It really changes everything from A to Z! » said Dr. Glavas.
Charlie had his second surgery, this one of his right leg, on January 21st, 2020, and we are very pleased to announce that this surgery yielded successful results as well.
About Bodycad
Bodycad is a Canadian company that is revolutionizing the world of orthopaedics with its proprietary software and orthopaedic solutions designed for each person’s unique needs. Our innovative, world-class team designs and manufactures the most reliable personalized implants and instruments on the market. Thanks to 3D printing, we are able to create bone models to help guide the surgeon, as well as instrumentation required to offer the highest level of precision during surgery. We offer endless possibilities to surgeons in order to provide patients with the best possible care.
Contact and interview requests
Laurence Robichaud
2035 rue du Haut-Bord
Quebec, Quebec, Canada
G1N 4R7
(418) 928-3391