BC Fine Osteotomy™ Product
Welcome to the new world of Fine Osteotomy™
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Fine Osteotomy™ Offers You:

  • 3D analysis of the patient’s pre-op situation
  • Design of patient-specific instruments and plates
  • 3D printed bone model
  • Personalized surgical guide
  • Personalized plate solution
  • Matching screws (length and orientation) for the personalized plate
  • Potentially significant reduction of the use of radiation in the OR
  • Personalized design leading to better outcomes/accuracy

Unique combination of 3D planning

The unique combination of 3D planning and guided control of osteotomy planes are designed to ensure that the planned hinge axis and planned posterior slope are obtained, resulting in a more predictable outcome.

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Controlling depth and orientation
Increases safety

Helps ensure protection of the posterior neurovascular structures of the knee

Maintains a controlled, reproducible osteotomy

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Personalized plating ensures that the planned correction is not compromised:
Plate contours to patient’s bone anatomy

Plate contours to patient’s bone anatomy

No plate bending

Patient-specific titanium wedge as planned for optimal correction

Titanium wedge sits on cortical bone

Low-profile custom-fit design reduces potential soft tissue irritation

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An Example of a Fine Osteotomy™ Case
1. Visualization of the patient’s pre-op deformity.

Mechanical axis passing through the Mikulicz point of 28%.

2. Planning of the desired multi-planar angular correction.

Open-wedge of 9.25 mm planned to obtain a mechanical axis passing through a Mikulicz point of 55%.

3. Design of the patient-specific cutting guides.
4. Design of the patient-specific plate along with the position and length of the screws.
Indications for Use
Fine Osteotomy™ is a system intended for osteotomies, treatment of bone and joint deformities, fixation of fractures and malalignment caused by injury or disease, such as osteoarthritis, of the distal femur and proximal tibia…
  • Inflammatory arthritis
  • Insufficient quantity or quality of bone.
  • Blood supply limitations and previous infections, which may retard healing.
  • Foreign-body sensitivity. Where material sensitivity is suspected, appropriate tests should be made and sensitivity ruled out prior to implantation.
  • Pregnancy
  • Any active infection.
  • Conditions that tend to limit the patient’s ability or willingness to restrict activities or follow directions during the healing period.
  • The use of this device may not be suitable for patients with insufficient or immature bone. The physician should carefully assess bone quality before performing orthopedic surgery on patients who are skeletally immature. The use of this medical device and the placement of implants and disposable instrumentation must not bridge, disturb or disrupt the growth plate.
  • Lack of musculocutaneous cover affecting the concerned area
  • Do not use for surgeries other than those indicated.
Please refer to the package insert and other labeling for a complete list of indications, contraindications, precautions and warnings. You can also reach out to us at info@bodycad.com to receive a copy of this information in English or in Polish within the next 7 days.