Why Bodycad?
Our Solutions
We believe in thinking differently. We believe in challenging the status quo in everything we do.

We do so by providing truly patient-specific solutions that will optimize care using the company’s proprietary Personalized Restoration™ Software.

Bodycad is revolutionizing the world of orthopaedics with its proprietary software and orthopaedic solutions designed for each person’s unique needs. Our innovative, world-class team designs and manufactures the most reliable personalized implants and instruments on the market. Thanks to 3D printing, we are able to create bone models to guide the surgeon and patient-specific instrumentation to offer the highest precision during surgery. We offer endless possibilities to surgeons in order to provide patients with the best possible care.

BC Fine Osteotomy™
Healthcare Values
In the pursuit of orthopaedic perfection, a personalized restoration is optimal.

The challenge to date has been how to provide a patient-specific solution on a large scale. With its proprietary softwares, state-of-the-art manufacturing and process expertises, Bodycad is making mass orthopaedic customization possible for the first time. In doing so, Bodycad is bringing new levels of efficiency, cost effectiveness and personalization to the industry.

  • Patient-specific solutions
  • Increased security and precision of the restoration
  • Reduced number of instruments
  • Reduced inventory
  • Decrease in instrument restatements
  • Decreased processing costs (inventory and sterilisation)